

20 random facts about me.

I am just a normal girl who loves to share a lot of things and cares enough to type everything =)

1) Age 30, from Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia
2) INFJ & a bit quiet 
3) Pastel colors are my favorite colors
4) Tsumiki Miniwa + Hazirah = Tsumiki Hajira

real Tsumiki <3
5) the youngest one in my family
6) I love animes, games, KPOP, art, music, books, coffee
7) Tunku Kurshiah College, Seremban (2006 - 2010)
Diploma Creative Industry Management @ UiTM Puncak Perdana (2011-2013) 
Bachelor's Degree Animation & Screen Tech (2014-2017) 
Master?  PhD? (coming soon)
8) hates fish and fishy things
9) love sh*tposting and writing about random things
10) sentimental, jiwang, love to express things through writing & music
11) a homebody, and doesn't travel much
12) a CTZoner / Walker / Reveluv / EXO-L / Bunnies
13) not a stylish person - don't like makeup, bags, heels
14) a bit forgetful to update the blog
15) single & still searching for the one.... :(
16) love gadgets and tech
17) always try my best to improve myself as a Muslim.
18) my favorite flower is the peony.
19) My stomach can't handle spicy food
20) I love my family!!



6 ulasan:

khairulsyarafi berkata...

haha, kelawar...
saya burung antu je

tsumiki hajira berkata...

ni kelawar bukan sebarang kelawar. batwoman of the night.

M H S berkata...

Hai bole tak email sy tips temuduga diploma animasi 👍🏻👍🏻

tsumiki hajira berkata...

oh hai to you too, sorry for the late reply, boleh. next post akak share :)

Unknown berkata...

asalamualaikum.. prtama skali, sya x sngka kite ni asal satu daerah iaitu besut. di sini saya nak ckap yng sya mngambil course animasi di UNIMAS, first year. sya minat animasi, tapi sya x minat anime. mcm mna tu ehh? haha.. sya ad 4 pilihan mejor sbnarnye iaitu grafik, industry design, animasi dan fesyen.. boley bagi pendapat x?

Unknown berkata...

assalamualikum akak , saya akan masuk poli (diploma seni digital) , saya nak tanya , ada ke apa apa software yang tertentu yang perlu ada dalam laptop saya ? Sebab saya nak beli laptop tapi saya tak pasti laptop apa yang saya patut beli

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