
Random thoughts #3

Truth is like the sun, you can shut it for a time, but it ain't going away!

Sukar menjadi orang yang menyimpan rahsia yang sepatutnya menjadi rahsia. Bila dibuka, orang akan kata ianya membuka aib. Jika rahsia dibuka untuk kebaikan, aku tak rasa benda tu adalah aib. Kalau benda tu sudah berbaur jenayah dan ketidakjujuran, aku lebih rela buka rahsia tu.

Something bad happened to me a few months ago, and it really affects me until today. I always think that I should be more open to telling everyone about my problem.

What will you do if there was someone tried to takes advantage of your weakness, someone who takes your trust for granted?

 Case is not as serious as you think, but the impact was like - a spark of fire that falls on a puddle of oil, and burns everything - every piece of my happiness in my life. I was just started to work during that time, but I couldn't believe that my work performance fell drastically due to that incident. It hurts very deeply in time. The problem is I admit that I don't have enough courage and support to open up about it.


 This led me to bottle up every anger, every frustration in myself, which slowly killing me inside - yelah orang suruh berlapang dada, tapi bukan senang nak berlapang dada bila kita dah biasa berterus terang tentang benda yang sepatutnya diluahkan. Aku simpan je semua benda.

Perasaan bercampur baur tau. Anxiety, traumatic, pressure, semualah.... Which contributes to grudge. Yeah grudge is very bad for you, that's why orang suruh berlapang dada banyakkan berzikir bila kemarahan meluak2 nampak orang yang buat jahat kat kita, tapi susahnya nak buang bila benda tak settle dengan cara betul, lepas tu orang tu berlakon baik je depan orang lain, pijak lipas pun lipas takde, meluat aku. Siap tak mengaku pulak tu (siapa nak mengaku berak tepi jalan)...

A lie told often enough becomes the truth!

While I am hurting, I tried and tried to heal myself and stay strong, I always pray that one day the truth will be prevailed.

 We all really need to be careful and please take care of yourself. AND NOT EVERYONE CAN BE TRUSTED.

What hurts me the most is DISHONESTY!!

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